Thursday, March 17, 2011
Before & After
So this piece has sat in our garage for too long! It was part of a 'set' that I purchased at a sale and never really had a feel for what I would do with it. On one of our better weather days, (we've had some cold wet weather here in Bama lately) my hubs pulls it out, starts cleaning it and actually sanding it! WHAT??!!
He states that he'd like to try something on it......... Uhhhhh, yeah, go for it!
The little guy and I head out to do our own thing and hours later I come back to... (scroll down)
I was super impressed and proud that he got to experience what I do - what it's all about!
He admitted that it was fun to see what would come out of his vision. I think it is pretty cool!! And he placed items in it trying to 'stage' them and the piece! :)
Hopefully some one else will also think it is a great piece, because it is on the floor in my 'store' FOR SALE!
(love the striation detail)
Well, it isn't a piece that I did, but I am proud nonetheless! Maybe he'll do some more...
THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! Love your visits!
oh, anyone know the proper name for this piece?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
commissioned art pieces
This is not all the pieces, but I thought I would share with you some pieces that an owners of a 'pet spa' asked me to do for the cool business they have. It was fun to work on these pieces! And I actually did a few of these in smaller sizes and magnets and sold them at an art fair later. (they ALL sold! yay!)
It has been a while since I've done this much art and seeing these fun pieces makes me miss sitting down in my dungeon, basement, makeshift studio to see what flows from my paintbrushes. Little guy was smaller and slept more, so there was more time to do pieces like this. Now it is really fun to see what HE paints! And sometimes he even helps with furniture far so good!
It's cool to have a rock 'n roll, artist, pirate, dragon,dentist, astro boy, batman on my hands - wonder what he'll think of next?!
Thanks for being here and looking at some of my whimsical art! I REALLY APPRECIATE you taking time to stop by and would LOVE to read your comments...
green dog |
yum |
fresh catch |
detail of fresh catch |
kwazy kat |
puppy love |
this pieces was the largest measuring at 8 feet by 4 feet |
more of the detail of the piece titled camp out |
got a bit to finish on the dog on the right, right now he is just a floating head... |
the finished piece!! |
It's cool to have a rock 'n roll, artist, pirate, dragon,dentist, astro boy, batman on my hands - wonder what he'll think of next?!
Thanks for being here and looking at some of my whimsical art! I REALLY APPRECIATE you taking time to stop by and would LOVE to read your comments...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
summer dreamin'
It's March and in Bama, it should be warm enough to go out in a light sweater at the most. It is 43 degrees today!! What the??! Light sweater my booty! I got on my snow boots and ski jacket, and I am still cold! At this rate I will never get all my projects done... and that just leaves me to dream. Right now I am soooo dreaming of this...
When I am not elbow deep in paint, I love to garden. Flowers & veggies. Thanks Grandma, formaking teaching me to work in your gardens. I finally totally 'got it' in my late 20's and have LOVED everything about it ever since! And I always, always think of you and wish you were still here!
But lately her in Bama all we are getting is something similar to this...
Come on spring!! Don't just tease us with two or three days, STAY for a long while!! We really love you and have missed you!
In the DECOR area, I am also dreaming of a new kitchen. Something effortless, practical but fashionable, hard working, yet quaint - something that's just me...
Something with perhaps some of these elements
(all kitchen pics came from a web image gallery, I didn't see any credits noted... flowers and tomatoes are mine, grown in my back yard, by me)
Well, I am inspired! How about you?
and especially this, I mean is there aNyThIng better than a {homegrown tomato}?
When I am not elbow deep in paint, I love to garden. Flowers & veggies. Thanks Grandma, for
But lately her in Bama all we are getting is something similar to this...
Come on spring!! Don't just tease us with two or three days, STAY for a long while!! We really love you and have missed you!
In the DECOR area, I am also dreaming of a new kitchen. Something effortless, practical but fashionable, hard working, yet quaint - something that's just me...
Something with perhaps some of these elements
(all kitchen pics came from a web image gallery, I didn't see any credits noted... flowers and tomatoes are mine, grown in my back yard, by me)
Well, I am inspired! How about you?
Now, who wants to 'gift' me about $80, 000 to just hire someone to carry out my plans??
Oh, yeah, that's a dream too, like winning the lottery.
Where do you go to get inspired when considering a kitchen update, re-do, partial makeover or complete gut? I'd love to know, well cause... uhhh, I just can't stop dreaming about doing something to or with my sad kitchen...
Thank you for being here! I really love it when you drop in AND leave a comment!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Thanks for sticking with me - the weather has not been great here in Bama (rainy & cold) and I had a marketing project with a family member that took me away a while. I am back and despite the weather got a few thing taken care for ME!
Remember the post here, all the pieces that needed some {painted fresh} love? Well take a look now!
This was the hutch:
So what do you think about the WHITE? I like it and enjoy using white; mainly I use Ralph...but my supply is getting low. And occasionally 'Country White' from Wal-Mart.
Remember the post here, all the pieces that needed some {painted fresh} love? Well take a look now!
This was the hutch:
"time worn/shabby" detail |
detail of the top |
![]() | |
In my store ready to go home with someone! |
So what do you think about the WHITE? I like it and enjoy using white; mainly I use Ralph...but my supply is getting low. And occasionally 'Country White' from Wal-Mart.
WHAT WHITE DO YOU USE on furniture/walls/other projects??
Thanks for visiting! Hope you leave comments and an answer to the WHITE question!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
OK - I know I have been MIA for a while (sorry) and I have missed you!
(stuff happens) so please don't give up on me!
I have something different to share today, and {typically} I would not be involved, much less share. Just like most of you, I am super busy - I have an almost 4 year old, I have two stores and take custom work, I care for my Mom (she has alzheimers, and no I will not capitalize the 'a' or show any respect to this dreadful disease), I help a brother with his businesses, I am active in Church, not to count the basic domestic duties!! So taking on one more thing isn't something I really have time for. I turned this down initially, then it came across my desk again - my curiosity was peaked. I looked at it, researched as much as I could, (there has not been a public announcement yet) and talked with a person or three who is just as busy as I am (there's lots of us) that ARE doing it. WHY, I asked them. I have nothing to loose and lots to gain. It will not take up what little time I have left in a day! And besides, what girl doesn't love jewelry, especially FREE and gorgeous jewelry...This was pretty much the reply across the board.
This sounds really promising, and the company is established (I'm not contradicting myself, read on). So I finally signed up. I am willing to jump in too since there is no cost/no obligation, it is all done via your personal web site!!
Bamboopink is rocking' the world already and it hasn't been publicly announced yet!!
What is being offered right now is a ground floor opportunity - totally FREE!
That's right - no investment, no obligation, no inventory, no parties to host.
Please do not miss out, this is a fantastic opportunity being handed to you, TAKE IT!
You have a chance to win jewelry, an iPad, cash, just to name a few; and to earn great money.
Contact me TODAY for more info! This free offer does expire on March 15 - then there will be a sign up fee.
This is just a sneak peek, isn't it pretty? JudeFrances, a famous, high-end designer whose current line is sold in upscale department stores (Neiman Marcus), and is worn by Oprah and many other celebrities, is behind this new fashionable, yet affordable ($29 - $200) jewelry line. It is made in the same factory and has the same warranties, similar packaging, etc... The line consists of traditional pieces (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc) as well as iPhone/iPad covers, sunglasses and the like. JudeFrances is planning a national press release announcing the launch of bamboo pink in the very near future.
Analysts have predicted that bamboo pink will be the fastest growing women’s internet start-up company in history. The company has a cutting-edge business model, and the jewelry will only be sold through consultants on personal websites. A “virtual” jewelry party if you will. Again , no hosting parties, no inventory! Now, if you 'want' to host a party, feel free to - just know this is not a requirement. It's ALL internet based. That s why you want to sign up NOW! get your personal site and start learning to be ready to sell!!!
The company has begun a grassroots marketing campaign to virally spread the news of their upcoming launch via the internet. As of right now, it is not about selling the jewelry but about getting as many people signed up and ready to sell when the time comes. And again, it is not required that you sign people up, but why wouldn't you? When you get people to sign up, you can earn free jewelry, cash and other prizes!
Once you sign up you get a free personal website (mine is that the company uses to track people that sign up through you. If you decide to not sell, no problem. They will simply drop your name from their list and you get to keep any of the free items you earned by getting your friends to join.
You have until March 15th to sign up and sign up as many friends and family members as possible with no consultant fees. After that, the company will go into its Pre-Launch Marketing phase, followed with a major national marketing campaign making the opportunity available to everyone and for a fee.
Once you sign up - shoot me an email and I will get you more details, all the details that I have, including sample letters to send to build your team.
Thank you for stopping by, thank you for bearing with me, and for considering this wonderful opportunity! I love helping people!
Now go sign up and let's have some fun together!!
sign up
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
This ROCKS! **update!
I am so flattered! This may happen to you guys, but ME? Seriously? Shut the front door!!
It's like "you love me, you really love me"!! (now, become a follower, pretty please) Think Oscars or CMA's here, red carpet, diamonds dripping from lobes, fingers, and toes, you get it, right - only I am in a granny robe with total bed head and some serious morning breath!! Gosh, I really could've brushed my teeth, but that makes my coffee taste a little like Colgate...oh, back to this AWARD/FEATURE stuff...WHOOP WHOOP!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This so ROCKS! and I feel so flattered and special and my hubby is telling me to calm down, it's too early and I think I'll dress up today, ya now, just in case someone might recognize me (snickers) and WHOOP WHOOP! ok, ok, but I am excited and very appreciative!! I received two "Versatile Blogger's", a couple of "Feature" posts, a "Stylish Blogger", an "Inspiration" award and a "Spotlight" award - like all within a few days! Just can't stop telling you how stoked I am about this! My head is gonna be in the clouds all day!!
Here are the rockin' cool folks that "love me" at least this time! :)
Megs at This & That Creative
Denise at Extreme Personal Measuresnning
Sam at The Junk House
Jamie at C.R.A.F.T
Barb at Santa's Gift Shop & Ideas
Alaina at Hammer Time
OK, now with some of these awards, I have rules to follow! No lounging, and sipping mychampagne coffee to revel in the limelight of my distinguished fame. I just can't stop can I?!
If there is something else you want to know - just ask - I'm not real shy... never guessed that didya?
Peace & Love,
Go take a look at all the other AWESOME award winners on these blogs; the DIY's, ideas - just go browse around these blogs! You'll love 'em! WHOOP WHOOP, ok I have to stop and get on with my day!!
It's like "you love me, you really love me"!! (now, become a follower, pretty please) Think Oscars or CMA's here, red carpet, diamonds dripping from lobes, fingers, and toes, you get it, right - only I am in a granny robe with total bed head and some serious morning breath!! Gosh, I really could've brushed my teeth, but that makes my coffee taste a little like Colgate...oh, back to this AWARD/FEATURE stuff...WHOOP WHOOP!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This so ROCKS! and I feel so flattered and special and my hubby is telling me to calm down, it's too early and I think I'll dress up today, ya now, just in case someone might recognize me (snickers) and WHOOP WHOOP! ok, ok, but I am excited and very appreciative!! I received two "Versatile Blogger's", a couple of "Feature" posts, a "Stylish Blogger", an "Inspiration" award and a "Spotlight" award - like all within a few days! Just can't stop telling you how stoked I am about this! My head is gonna be in the clouds all day!!
Here are the rockin' cool folks that "love me" at least this time! :)
Megs at This & That Creative
Denise at Extreme Personal Measuresnning
Sam at The Junk House
Jamie at C.R.A.F.T
Barb at Santa's Gift Shop & Ideas
Alaina at Hammer Time
OK, now with some of these awards, I have rules to follow! No lounging, and sipping my
The Rules:
1. Thank and link back to the people who awarded you these awards.
2. Tell everyone 7 random facts about yourself
3. Pass the award to 7 lovely bloggers
4. Contact each blogger and let them know you have passed this award onto them
3. Pass the award to 7 lovely bloggers
4. Contact each blogger and let them know you have passed this award onto them
Total Randomness about me:
1. I have owned and l.o.v.e.d riding my Harley's! (had a sporster & a fat boy) but wouldn't do it now, since I am a Mom. Being a Mom changed some of my perspectives
2. No one ever gets my age correct. I'm ok with that, but I don't get why people (girls mostly) never want to tell their age. It is an honor to have a birthday, that's the best gift - hello! it's from our Heavenly Father! who wants to be 21, 29, 39 forever? Just tell the truth and be proud
3. I use to barefoot water ski, so hard and so ruff, but such a high to have accomplished it and do it for an entire summer. I would do it again, and again...
4. Dr. Phil gave me a hug, and so did that cute son of his! So did Dick Clark, Reba, Kenny, Patrick Swayze, the list is long... (I lived in Nashville for over 10 years and was fortunate to run in great company for most of that time!) Shout out to my Nashvegas pals! xoxo
5. I have drank tons of wine, some costing thousands, and a fav is a $20 bottle of Conundrum. (thanks my pal who is a wine connoisseur/collector, love ya and your wine, but my wine budget is a bit smaller than yours)
6. I typically have an iron stomach - except changing my son's diapers made me gag and once I really threw up... you really wanted to know that, right? ;)
7. I love, l.o.v.e., love music and so wish I could {really} sing and play instruments, but if I sing in the shower the water stops. I do sing loud and wildly in the car - all the time and now little guy does too! I know folks think we are wacked and that's ok - Life Is Good and he & I have a rockin' fun time!
#'s 3 & 4 of the rules will be posted soon... I have to get busy creating, practicing my autograph, building something, picking out the perfect heels, painting furniture, oh what? yep I heard right-little guy needs breakfast and he has to go to school, and now he is screaming from the bathroom - wanna guess what he needs? Reality has returned, oh well, I wouldn't trade wiping his booty for nothin' else! (wellll, maybe that I would trade, but nothing else)
**and the awards pass on to these two great blogs:
Lauren Lane Decor
Wide Open Spaces
go check them out...
**and the awards pass on to these two great blogs:
Lauren Lane Decor
Wide Open Spaces
go check them out...
Peace & Love,
Go take a look at all the other AWESOME award winners on these blogs; the DIY's, ideas - just go browse around these blogs! You'll love 'em! WHOOP WHOOP, ok I have to stop and get on with my day!!
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